
Minervino Murge

Opening hours for dump: Monday / Friday - 07:00 AM - 01:30 PM

The plant was designed and built in Minervino Murge (BT) by ‘once a time’ BLEU Srl managed the plant from 6 May 2019 to 17 July 2020. From 20 July 2020, due to the merger and incorporation of “BLEU Srl” in “DUPONT ENERGETICA Srl”, the management of the plant, with the relative authorizations, has been transferred to DUPONT ENERGETICA Srl itself, after became DUPONT ENERGETICA SpA (since 24.09.2020)
The plant consists of an integrated platform for the controlled storage of non-hazardous waste; serving public and private customers, as well as serving the need for disposal of residual materials from the selection and recovery plants of the urban waste cycle in the Puglia Region.

Disposal Procedure

Acceptance, plant entry, unloading and plant exit

Following the transfer request, special non-hazardous waste is preliminarily subjected to an analytical verification of conformity and, for this purpose, placed in “pre-storage”. If the verification gives a positive result we proceed with the approval, after the waste can be accepted in the plant. However, in the case the analytical results show the non-conformity of the waste, the waste is rejected to the sender, with relative annotation on the form that accompanied the cargo at the plant. Downstream of the homologation procedure, the waste is managed as per the flow chart shown in the following figure.


cubic meters

Authorized Volume



Number of clients


per day

Average vehicles handled



Year of opening


Life cycle programmed for 5 years

Expected closure

Benefits for local communities

Helping improve the urgent situation in the management of the cycle of waste from the treatment of sorted waste in the area; at the service of public and private entities.